One of the best ways to show your photography taste to your photographer is to create a wedding moodboard. You can use this board for your engagement or wedding photography sessions. The best part is, there is no right or wrong way, no hard rules for creating a moodboard. It’s totally up to you and your personality.

What is a Wedding Moodboard?

The simplest way to explain a moodboard is it’s an idea board that includes your collected thoughts and interests. While it’s so common to think of it as a “shot list”, there are differences between both. Moodboard is more of a collection of the images that you found online. This may be from my wedding photography portfolio or from any other website.

Think of it as a letter that you’re writing with images and sending it to your engagement photographer. Your favorite spots in San Diego for photography, wedding or engagement photos you liked, photography styles that are more fit to your personality, and anything else that you want to share with me before the photography session.

Tell Me What You Like

Writing descriptive captions for each photo helps me to understand what you liked in it. For example, you can write something about what you liked in that picture, how it made you feel, and how the subjects are portrayed. This is where you start feeling the difference of a mood board and a shot list. Moodboard is about you and what you like. In other words, it’s a collected image expression of your feelings from wedding photography.

Just like the images you liked, you can use the mood board to show me what you don’t like. This will help me to avoid certain things if necessary.

How to Create wedding Mood Board?

While there are several platforms that you can use to create your moodboard, my favorite is for sure Pinterest. Easy to use and add images. You can create multiple boards, one for engagement, one for wedding and more if you want to go into details. On top of it, it has thousands of images to pick from other than my portfolio.

If you already don’t have a Pinterest account, you can start your mood board by creating a Pinterest account.

Then create a board called “My Wedding Board” or anything you like. Go to my wedding and engagement photograpy portfolio and “Pin” the image that you like. Don’t forget to add a detailed description for each photo that is pinned.

How to create a wedding and engagement photography moodboard
wedding moodboard for photographer 1024x686 jpg

Once you’re done with your mood board send the link to me!

If you’re not a fan of Pinterest, there are lots of other platforms that helps you to create a mood board for your wedding. To make things simple, even an email with the images you like will help your photographer to catch the content.

One thing to remember is, moodboard should be consisting of 20-30 pictures at maximum. You don’t want to send me a three hundred pages book before your photo shoot session for me to read 🙂

Remember, mood board is just to help me understand your mood;)